Rolling Service & Fire Doors

Superior Security Grilles and Doors

Since 1975, the best in side folding and overhead rolling security doors to customers all over North America.

Innovation is our cornerstone

A security grille or door for a store, office, or kiosk needs to be a fortress – but doesn’t need to look like one. The right design can showcase products to window shoppers, harmonize with site architecture, and even add prestige to your client’s brand. Founded on innovation, we continue to advance our designs every year for better usability, durability, security, affordability, fast delivery time, ease of installation, and aesthetics.

We make it easy to design security doors to fit your space by providing ready-made and custom CAD files. Our expert  team will help you keep your focus where it should be: on your vision. Our closures are designed for easy installation – that means no delays and money saved for you.

our doors are perfect for airports, malls, pharmacies, schools, hospitals, offices, community centers and multi-use recreational facilities, or any kind of public space. Your clients will find our closures easy to use whether opening or closing, and locks are easy to update.

Shop Rolling Service & Fire Doors

Rolling Steel

Rolling Steel Fire Doors

Counter Doors

Smoke & Fire Curtains



Contact us to order

Montreal : 514 640-8926
Toll free : 1-877-640-8928
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